Commercial Offer - Uranyless

UranyLess is a substitute contrasting solution to uranyl acetate. As advocated by Reynolds (1963), it is highly recommended to enhance the first contrast (in this case: UranyLess) with lead citrate in a NaOH saturated atmosphere, to avoid an atmospheric CO2 contamination.

To ease the lead citrate use during your contrasts, it is conditioned in an AirLess bottle (without air, so without CO2). It is a long-standing 30 mL bottle without any CO2 contamination risk, the nightmare of all microscopists.

The 30 mL Airless bottle provides the contrast of more than 1500 grids.

This packaging is doubly effective: a long shelf life and a small amount of waste.

For UranyLess use in contrast automaton  as Leica EM Stain, UranyLess is conditioned in 200 mL bottles .

UranyLess is conditioned in Airless bottles to ease deposit drops only, because it fears neither air nor light.

For a manual contrasting (without automaton):

ref. # Product Name Packaging Price € (Duty Free)

Uranyless EM Stain. 

Ready to use UranyLess in aqueous solution (H2O)
pH about 6,8 to 7
Long shelf life
Airless bottle, dropper
 30 mlflacon uranyless 30 ml 35 €
 11000-200  UranyLess EM Stain 200ml for Automate

  • Leica EM AC20 autostainer

Leica EM stain

RMC Boeckeler Automated EM Stainer

200 m



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