Pad grids – 47mm petri slide

Pad grids – 47mm petri slide

This grid box is specifically designed for electron microscopy applications. It features a 47mm diameter Petri-Slide with 9 clearly numbered compartments, ensuring organized and efficient sample management. The PAD provides added protection and stability for your samples.

Ideal for a variety of applications including:

  • Ultramicrotomy: Perfect for preparing ultra-thin sections for microscopic examination.
  • EM Staining: Facilitates the staining process for electron microscopy.
  • Incubation: Suitable for incubation processes requiring precise sample handling.
  • Long-term Storage: Designed for the long-term storage of asbestos or other small samples, maintaining sample integrity over time.


22b route de Saint Ybars 31190 

Mauressac France

+(33) 5 61 73 60 14

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